Town Council Meeting

Thursday, 19th December 2019 07:00pm
  1. To receive apologies for absence
  2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests

    a) To receive any disclosures of pecuniary interest - Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.
    b) To consider any applications for Dispensations under s33 of the Localism Act 2011.

  3. Public Participation Time

    A period of 15 minutes will be set aside for residents of Wem Town to speak.

  4. Council Minutes

    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the ordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on 28th November 2019

    File draft_minutes_28.11.19.docx42.89 KB
  5. Progress Report

    a) To consider the Clerks progress report on matters arising at previous meetings

    File agenda_item_5_progress_report.docx31.43 KB
  6. Planning Applications

    a) To note the recent planning decisions
    b) To consider the following planning applications
    i) 19/05334/TCA - 24 Noble Street, Wem, SY4 5DZ Proposal: Remove one damaged stem of 1no twin-stemmed beech within Wem Conservation area.
    ii) 19/05244/ADV - Hawkins Motors, High Street, Wem, SY4 5DS Proposal: Erect and display 1No. illuminated free standing sign and 1No. replacement vinyl for dealer name and service sign.
    iii) 19/05165/LBC - 3 Chapel Street, Wem, SY4 5ER Proposal: Various internalalterations, including work to cellar, replacement  windows on rear elevation, new grille to air con unit to front elevation and extractor vent to rear elevation.
    c) Planning correspondence - to consider

  7. Finance and Accounts for Payment

    a) To consider monthly financial statement and monthly budget report.
    b) To approve accounts for payment and any payments made prior to meeting (presented at meeting).
    c) To delegate authority to Town Clerk, Mayor and Chairman of Finance and Corporate Governance Committee to approve invoices for payment received up to 31.12.19.

  8. Town Hall Liaison Group meeting 3.12.19

    To receive the notes from this meeting

  9. Planning, Transport and Climate Change Committee meeting 9.12.19

    a) To receive minutes from this meeting
    b) Climate Change Action plan - to consider (copy enclosed, deferred from PTCC Committee meeting 9.12.19).

  10. Amenities and Services Committee meeting 10.12.19

    To receive minutes from this meeting and consider any recommendations within the minutes

    File draft_minutes_10.12.19.docx39.1 KB
  11. Shropshire Mind

    To consider a proposal to use the Mayor’s charity funds raised by Cllr Granger as match funding for a grant to run mental health first aid sessions in the town and establish a regular drop in session

  12. Wem Eating Well Project

    To make the Council aware of the initiative and to seek its support as a partner on the Steering Group which has been set up (at request of Cllr Mellings).

  13. Wem Economic Regeneration Workshop

    For update

  14. Wem Sports and Social Association

    To consider financial request for 2020-21

  15. Correspondence

    a) Request to support the local electricity bill

    PDF icon agenda_item_15a_correspondence.pdf125.24 KB
  16. Reports

    a) To receive reports from the Council’s representatives to other bodies.
    b) To receive a report from Shropshire Council Councillors Mellings and Dee.

  17. Future Agenda Items

    For consideration Councillor’s opportunity to raise items for inclusion on the next agenda – Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.

  18. Dates of future meetings

    To note the date of the January meeting.

  19. Exclusion of Public and Press

    To resolve that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.
    a) Staff Appraisals – to receive a report on
    b) Fothergill Way Public Open Space – to consider response received from Persimmon Homes
    c) London Bridge Protocol – to review

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This Month


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

The Town Council meets on the last Thursday of every month except December at 7.00 p.m in the Meeting Room, Wem Library High Street  Wem.
The Town Council meeting starts with Public Question time and residents can attend and raise issues with the members.
A copy of the agenda for these meetings is displayed on the notice board outside the Town Hall, High Street and on this website.