Town Council Meeting

Thursday, 26th January 2023 07:00pm

Representatives from RCA Regeneration and Connexus Homes will both give a presentation at the start of the meeting on the proposed plans for the redevelopment of Edinburgh House.

  1. To note apologies for absence received.
  2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests

    a) To receive any disclosure of pecuniary interest - Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable   Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

    b) To consider any applications for Dispensations under s33 of the Localism Act 2011.

  3. Public Participation Time

    A period of 15 minutes will be set aside for residents of Wem Town to speak.

  4. Council Minutes

    To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Meetings of the Town Council held on 15 December 2022, Extraordinary meeting held 17 January 2023 (copies enclosed) and Special Meeting held 19 January 2023 (copy to follow).

  5. Progress Report

    To consider the Clerks progress report on decisions made at previous meetings.

    PDF icon agenda_item_5_progress_report.pdf130.05 KB
  6. Planning Applications

    a) To note the recent planning decisions.

    b) To consider the following planning applications

    i) 23/00059/FUL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED - Redevelopment of site to include change of use of public house to retail (Class E a-g), retention of existing residential accommodation as a separate dwelling, erection of a new build residential building incorporating 7 no. apartments following removal of existing outbuildings and associated external works (resubmission of application reference 21/05863/FUL)

    LOCATION: - Old Post Office and Buildings To The Rear, 25 High Street, Wem,

    ii) 22/05761/FUL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED - Conversion of existing stable block into dwelling house and associated external works (revision to 22/03619/FUL)

    LOCATION: - Land At Rear Of, 73 High Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

    iii) 23/00096/FUL Development proposed – Extension and alteration to unit 30, and erection of 1x new commercial building (comprising 2 x B8 business units) to include provision of solar panels, EV charging points, and associated works

    LOCATION Unit 30 And Land Adjacent Wem Business Park, New Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY45JX

    c) Public Consultation Land at Edinburgh House, Wem – to consider response.

  7. Finance and Accounts for Payment

    a) Monthly Budget report – to note.

    b) Internal Control checks – to note.

    c) Accounts for payment - to approve accounts for payment.

  8. Finance and Corporate Governance Committee meeting held 10.1.23

    To receive draft minutes from this meeting and consider any recommendations not previously considered.

  9. Wem Swimming and Lifestyle Centre

    To consider quotes for the supply and installation of the pool liner.

  10. Gravedigging Love Lane

    To approve extension of contract to 31.5.24 and note price increases.

  11. Floral Planters Watering and maintenance contract

    To consider quote received.

  12. Markets

    To establish a Markets Working Party to progress market policies and draft agreement with existing markets.

  13. Budget Consultation Shropshire Council

    To consider.

  14. Request for Shropshire Council to fund theTraffic Impact Assessment into a one-way system in Wem

    To consider response received (at request of Cllrs Towers and Broomhall).

  15. UK Shared Propensity Fund Feasibility Fund

    To consider submission of an application to the fund.

  16. Correspondence

    SYA Heads Up - to consider report and notification of price increase.

  17. Reports

    a) To receive written reports from the Council’s representatives to other bodies.

    b) To receive a written report from Shropshire Councillors Broomhall and Towers.

  18. Future Agenda Items

    For consideration Councillor’s opportunity to raise items for inclusion on the next agenda – Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making.

  19. Dates of Future meetings

    a) To note the date and time of February meeting.

  20. Exclusion of Public and Press

    Exclusion of Public and Press

    To resolve that as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


    a) Office relocation – to discuss options and consider correspondence received from Shropshire Council.

    b) Morgan Library – To consider and approve works required report

Agenda (document)
Download Agenda

This Month


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

The Town Council meets on the last Thursday of every month except December at 7.00 p.m in the Meeting Room, Wem Library High Street  Wem.
The Town Council meeting starts with Public Question time and residents can attend and raise issues with the members.
A copy of the agenda for these meetings is displayed on the notice board outside the Town Hall, High Street and on this website.