Town Council Meeting

Thursday, 29th September 2016 07:00pm
  1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
  2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests

    a) To receive any disclosure of pecuniary interest - Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.
    b) To consider any applications for Dispensations under s33 of the Localism Act 2011.

  3. Public Participation Time

    A period of 15 minutes will be set aside for residents of Wem Town to speak.







  4. Council Minutes

    To approve as a correct record the minutes of an ordinary Meeting of the Town Council held on 28th August 2016 (copy enclosed).

    PDF icon 25.8.16_minutes.docx.pdf273.17 KB
  5. Progress Report

    To consider the Clerks progress report on matters arising at previous meetings (copy enclosed).

    PDF icon progress_report.pdf355.27 KB
  6. Planning Applications

    a)Planning Applications for consideration

    Reconsultation due to Amendment on application  16/00639/OUT | Outline application (all matters reserved) for the erection of 2 no. dwellings | Proposed Residential Development Land Adjacent 10 Wellgate Wem Shropshire.


    Reconsultation due to Amendment on application 16/00994/FUL - Roseville

    Proposal: Erection of one building to comprise four apartments for supported living for adults with learning difficulties and one staff bedroom


    16/03984/TCA   Islington House, 79 New Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5AF:  To crown reduce 1 No. Conifer Tree by 2m, fell 6 No Conifer Trees, Pollard 1 No Willow Tree to 7m and fell 1 No Holly Tree within Wem Conservation Area


    16/03775/FUL  :  86 Trentham Road, Wem, SY4 5HW, Proposal:  Erection of a single storey extension and associated works


    16/03847/FUL :  Land Adj. Islington House, 79 New Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5AF

    Proposal:  Erection of two detached garages/stores to serve converted outbuilding and new dwelling


    16/03783/FUL - 3 Station Road, Wem : Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for formation of vehicle access to rear garden and installation of gates to a height of 1.8m (part retrospective)

    b) To note the recent planning decisions (copy of decisions attached).

    PDF icon planning_decisions_to_22.9.16.pdf243.27 KB
  7. Finance and Accounts for Payment

    a) To approve monthly financial statement (presented at meeting).
    b) To approve accounts for payment and payments made prior to meeting (presented at meeting).

  8. Finance and Corporate Governance Committee meeting 13.9.16.

    a) Minutes - To approve these minutes and recommendations contained therein (copy attached).

    PDF icon minutes_13.9.16_draft.pdf294.37 KB
  9. Amenities and Services Committee meeting 27.9.16.

    a) Minutes - To approve these minutes and recommendations contained therein (copy attached).

    PDF icon minutes_27.9.16.pdf234.4 KB
  10. SP energy network formal response

    To agree a response to SP Energy Network’s consultation on the proposed reinforcement to the North Shropshire Electricity Distribution Network.

  11. Correspondence

    To consider the following items of correspondence (copies enclosed).

    Wem Rotary Purple 4 Polio Campaign - To consider request to plant crocus bulbs in areas of open space in Wem.

    Wem Jubilee Band - To consider request for funding.

    Church Stretton Town Council – to consider letter from Church Stretton TC relating to the transfer of assets and services from Shropshire Council to Town and Parish Councils.

    John Hand - to consider questions raised in emails of 14.9.16 and 20.8.16 relating to a variety of road safety concerns in the town.

  12. Reports

    a) To receive reports from the Council’s representatives to other bodies.
    b) To receive a report from Shropshire Council Councillors Mellings and Dee.

  13. Information/future agenda items

    For consideration

  14. Dates of future meetings

    To note date of October meeting and set date for December meeting.

  15. Exclusion of press and public

    To resolve: That in accordance with s1(2) Public Bodies (Admission of Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that the following items to be considered involves the likely disclosure of confidential information.


    Swimming Pool Lease

    a) Pool insurance – Following advice from the Council’s solicitor to receive a verbal report from the Town Clerk on the implications of removing Clause 2.2 from the proposed lease.

    b) To approve 2nd draft lease (copy enclosed).

Download Agenda

This Month


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

The Town Council meets on the last Thursday of every month except December at 7.00 p.m in the Meeting Room, Wem Library High Street  Wem.
The Town Council meeting starts with Public Question time and residents can attend and raise issues with the members.
A copy of the agenda for these meetings is displayed on the notice board outside the Town Hall, High Street and on this website.