Reference Applicant Application Date Proposal Shropshire Council Decisionsort descending
18/01126/FUL Mr Russell Chadwick 7th March 2018 Proposed demolition of existing garage to existing bungalow; Rear lounge... Granted
84 Trentham Road Wem Shropshire
17/03264/VAR Mr P Stanwick-Wright 18th July 2017 Variation of Condition No.2 (approved plans) attached to permission 10/04241/... Granted
The Warehouse 14 Leek Street Wem Shropshire
21/00966/TPO Birch 24th February 2021 Crown reduce by around 20% and remove/reduce thin, over-extended branches of... Granted
20/03031/FUL Wem Playmates Nursery 30th July 2020 Change of use of existing business space to pre school nursery Granted
17/04669/FUL Mrs L C Jones 6th October 2017 Erection of two single storey extensions to existing dwelling Granted
1 Soulton Crescent Wem Shrewsbury Shropshire
19/02489/FUL Bromford 12th June 2019 Installation of replacement windows to all dwellings (No.s 1-9) Granted
18/04953/AMP Mr & Mrs Clorley 26th October 2018 Non material amendment to front elevation. Middle carport made wider and 2 end... Granted
20/04517/FUL Mr Darran Macdonald 2nd November 2020 To fit 2 solar tube panels to the rear south facing roof Granted
18/00958/FUL Mr & Mrs Jeff Sayle 12th March 2018 Erection of single storey rear extension Granted
25 Roden Grove Wem Shropshire
17/03245/REM Dr Morris 5th July 2017 Approval of reserved matters (appearance landscaping layout and scale) pursuant... Granted
Land Adj Creamore Villa Whitchurch Road Wem Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

Planning applications within the Parish borders and to be dealt with by the Council are located on the left of this page.  

For pre application advice please see the Town Council's protocol - Pre Application Protocol